BARE Hair Extensions Length Guide





Beautiful And Rare Extensions' (BARE) hair extension guide will help you to have an idea of where your desired length will fall when it is placed at the top of your head, based on your desired texture. The extensions will fall longer if they are placed at the nape of the neck.

This diagram shows lengths up to 34 inches, however we stock extensions from 12-28 inches. Other lengths will have to be specially/pre ordered.         

The length of your extensions will depend on the texture that you choose. Straight textures will clearly fall longer because they lay completely flat when measured. Our curly and wavy textures will fall shorter than straight textures in the same length. This is so because these textures have more volume and obviously has shrinkage due to the texture. Additionally, the wavy and curly textures are measured for length by stretching them straight.                                                                          

For lengths shorter lengths 12-16 inches, you may need between 2-3 bundles for a full head. For longer lengths 18-24 inches you may need approximately 4-5 bundles and 6 bundles or more for 24-28 inches for a full look.








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